Manufacturer and distributor Agrochemical products


Strengthens plants, increased suger to improve seed and fruit quality, Brix and color for improved yield


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Trade name: STOLLER SM

Stoller SM strengtheens the source-to-sink relationship inside the plant and provides nutritional support to manage the flow of sugars from the leaves to the fruit, to significantly improve Brix and color.

Active Ingredients:

Total nitrogen .............. 3.00%

Boron (B) ..................... 8.00%

Molybdenum (Mo) ....... 0.004%

Product benefit:                           

increases the rate of sugar transport from source leaves to flowers, fruits, vegetatble, nuts, berries, seed pods, and root storage tissue

content amine nitrogen to rapidly absorb nitrogen by the plant roots and does not require plant energy to be synthesised into amino acids and proteins 

provides available forms of boron and molybdenum to move sugars from leave to fruit

significantly increases the amount of sugar available for uniform fruit and seed development before harvest

improve overall seed and fruit quality, Brix and color for improved yield

better yield

mix-well with herbicides and other pesticdes

Plant: All crops
Application Dosage: 20-40 milliliter in 20 liter of water
Recommended Application:

foliar application and irrigation system

recommend for foliar application at the onset of reproduction

Packing size: 500 milliliter and 1,000 milliliter
Product of Stoller International Co.,Ltd , USA.